Gabriella Cázares-Kelly

Ballot Processing Reports

These reports are generated during an election as a quick snapshot of where we are in the moment. After the election, the data is compiled into a formal report, and daily reports are no longer available.

Early Ballot Process Status Report

This report runs once daily and shows the cumulative early ballot processing statistics for each countywide or federal election as we process the ballots prior to turnover to the Elections Department for tabulation.

Learn more about how we process early ballots
Looking for your specific ballot status?

Ballot Curing Report

Arizona requires officials to notify voters and allow voters to correct signature errors through a process called ballot curing. This report shows the number of ballot affidavit signatures requiring curing, the number successfully cured, the number that were rejected, and the reason for rejection.

See Arizona’s signature verification manual and learn more about our process
Our office contributes Voter Registration and Early Voting data to the official election record called the Canvass Report. The Elections Department is in charge of adding our data to their tabulation and audit data and submitting it to the Pima County Board of Supervisors for approval and then on to the AZ Secretary of State. Once final, the Canvass Report is available to the public.

Chain of Custody Documentation

These files include all chain of custody documentation related to Early Voting Site ballot box transfers, ballot pickups from couriers, and end of election auditing reports. Available after the election is complete.

Ballot Turnover Receipts

A receipt issued by the Recorder’s office with batch total information. The receipt is signed by staff from both the Recorder’s and Elections Department upon transfer of ballots. You can view current and past election turnover receipts using the form below.