Voter Frequently Asked Questions
Why didn’t I get an Early Ballot?
Join the Active Early Voting List:
To have a ballot automatically mailed to you for every election in which you are eligible, a registered voter can sign up for the AEVL. Voters on the AEVL must have an Arizona mailing address. Ballots are mailed to the voter 27 days before any election.
Voters can sign up online at (Formerly by clicking the Voter Registration button. Voters may also use a paper signup form. Click here to download it. Turn in a hard-copy form to:
- Pima County Recorder
- P.O. Box 3145
- Tucson AZ 85702-31453
Request a mail ballot for every election in which you want to vote by mail:
- Call us at (520) 724-4330.
- Visit our Request an Early Ballot page – click the Online Request button.
- Request by mail
- Print the mail-ballot request form
- Mail it to:
Pima County Recorder
P.O. Box 3145
Tucson AZ 85702-31453
- Mail it to:
What happens to my Ballot after I mail it back?
How can I check my Voter Registration?
You can find resources on our website to update your Registration.
How can I register to vote?
- You can register online (requires an Arizona Driver’s License or State ID).
- Print out a voter registration form
or pick one up at any of several Pima County locations,
including libraries, post offices, city and town halls, political party headquarters and other government buildings.
Forms are also available at all public assistance offices. Return the completed, dated and signed form by mail or drop it off.
- Mail it back:
Pima County Recorder
P.O. Box 3145
Tucson AZ 85702-31453 - Drop it off:
Pima County Recorder Use the Voter Registration window at our Downtown office.
Pima County Recorder’s Office
240 N Stone Avenue
Tucson AZ 85701
(PLEASE do not mail to this address)
- Mail it back:
How do I cancel my registration?
You can also visit our Voter Registration page for more information.
How do I vote if I’m in uniform or living overseas?
Voters must complete a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) Form for each election. You can find more information on our Military & Overseas Voter Information page.
Ballots are sent out 45 days before Election Day.
You can get more information at .
What does it mean if I’m a ‘Federal-only’ voter?
What are Provisional Ballots, and are they all counted?
What types of accessibility accommodations do you have?
Various aids and materials including large-print and braille ballots, touchscreen voting devices and voter assistants are available to voters.
For more information, visit our Everyone Votes page.
How are deceased voters removed from the voter roll?
- A copy of the death certificate
- An obituary that includes date of birth, where they lived, and family connections
- A letter signed by the court-appointed representative of the estate
PO Box 3145
Tucson, AZ 85702-3145
In person:
Use the Voter Registration window at our Downtown office.
Pima County Recorder’s Office
240 N Stone Avenue
Tucson AZ 85701
(PLEASE do not mail to this address)
Why does the Recorder’s Office have so many ZIP codes?
85702 – This is the ZIP code for the Post Office on 6th Ave, which is where most of our mail is sent to or received from. It is used in the address for our PO Box.
85755 – This is listed on the self-addressed, postage-paid Business Reply envelopes we send you with various Election mailings.