Gabriella Cázares-Kelly

Voting Accessibility

Every voter has the right to a secret ballot and to vote as independently as possible. Below are some resources that may assist voters with disabilities, mobility concerns or language barriers.

Voters have several options to choose from on how to obtain and cast their ballot. Voting machines, special ballots and voting assistance is also available.


Early Voting is available for every election and begins 27 days before Election Day. Voters can vote early by mail or in person.

Vote from Home
Eligible voters can sign up for the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) and automatically receive ballots by mail for every election, which allows them to vote in their own homes. Voting by mail enables voters to bypass standing in line on Election Day and eliminates the need for transportation. The Pima County Recorder’s Office mails ballots 28 days before the election. Voters can return their ballots by mail, using the self-addressed, postage-paid envelope. If a voter wishes to return their mail ballot in person, they can drop off their ballot at any Early Voting Site, before Election Day, or at any Vote Center in Pima County on Election Day. One-time early ballot requests can also be made before each election if a voter does not want to sign up for AEVL.

Early Voting in Person
Voters who want to vote in person but are unable to vote on Election Day can vote early in person. On-site, Early Voting locations are available during the 27 days of the early voting period of every election. Accessible voting devices are available at all Early Voting locations.


Every Early Voting location and Vote Center is required to have an accessible voting device for use by voters. This device is required to be always set up and operational for voters when voting is open. The touch-screen devices are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and can be used by voters with special needs to mark their ballots unassisted. They offer a variety of accessibility options including audio instructions, large font, color contrast and tactile input to assist voters in marking a ballot. Ballots are offered in English and Spanish.

Watch the videos below for instructions on the vote-by-machine process.

Large Print
If you have impaired vision, we offer materials in large print, including Voter Registration forms, Voter ID cards and other resources. You can print large-print Voter Registration Forms in English and Spanish, or you can call the Recorder’s Office at 520-724-4330.

If you prefer a braille ballot, please give us a call.

A ballot will be mailed to you before the election and you can return it via mail or in person. We can continue to automatically send this special ballot for every election.

Your alternative ballot will be transferred to a standard ballot for tabulation using a Special Election Board, made up of two members of different political parties. This process is performed by the Elections Department.

A person using a braille ballot; she is wearing a wedding ring and a watch with a rose on the band Example of a large-print ballot. A Recorder's Office employee is holding the ballot that stretches from the top of her head to her knees


Special Elections Boards
If a voter is unable to cast their ballot via mail or in-person, or physically fill out their own ballot - and who does not have someone they trust to help them - they may be a candidate for Special Elections Board voting. Eligible Pima County voters can cast their ballots from home, healthcare facility or any other residential setting through a Special Elections Board. Individuals from two different political parties will travel to assist voters in casting their votes. If you need this service, please contact the Recorder’s Office at 520-724-4330. This service is limited.

Voter Assistant
Any voter physically unable to fill out a ballot because of illness, injury or disability can enlist a friend, family member or anyone else to assist them. The assistant then signs the Ballot Affidavit to show that they helped the voter. If the voter can sign, they should do so, but it is not required. The Recorder’s Office will check in with the voter once we receive the ballot to be sure that it reflects their choices.

NOTE: The ballot must be filled out according to the voter’s choice. Power of Attorney voting is not allowed under Arizona law.


Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a nationwide leader in providing communication access, support services and community empowerment all throughout Arizona. The purpose of the Commission is to ensure, in cooperation with the public and private sector, accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing to improve their quality of life.

Help America Vote Act

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) is a United States federal law which was enacted in 2002. The act provides a set of standards for every state to follow in order to improve election administration.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990 and guarantees that Americans with disabilities enjoy the same rights, such as voting, without discrimination. Any questions regarding the Act's functions may be directed to one of the Department of Justice's specialists at 800-514-0301.

Arizona Center for Disability Law

The Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL) is a non-profit law firm that protects the rights of individuals with any disabilities. More specific to voters, the firm extends protection and advocacy for voting access. On election days, the ACDL has a HAVA Hotline in order to address any election issues concerning accessibility and will file any necessary complaints. The hotline telephone number is 602-274-6287 or 1-800-927-2260 and is open from 6am to 7pm on election days.

Sun Sounds of Arizona

Sun Sounds bridges the information gap between current print media and people who cannot use it because of a disability. Their core mission is to provide audio access to information to people who cannot read print. They do this by making creative use of technology and talent to ensure every disabled person has the opportunity to access the current and local information necessary to a self-directed, productive life. For additional information you can call Sun Sounds at 480-774-8300.

Arizona Clean Elections

The Citizens Clean Elections Act, passed by voters in 1998, is administered by a five-member, non-partisan Commission. The Act established a system for voter education, clean funding for candidate campaigns and campaign finance enforcement. The purpose of the Act is to restore citizen participation and confidence in our political system, improve the integrity of Arizona State government and promote freedom of speech under the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions.