Gabriella Cázares-Kelly

Active Early Voting List (AEVL)

What is the Active Early Voting List (AEVL)?

While enrolled in the list, voters will automatically receive an Early Voting Ballot for every election they are eligible to vote in.

How can voters add or remove themselves from the AEVL?

  • Submit a written request to the Recorder’s Office to be added to the list.
  • To be taken off the list, fill out and return the AEVL removal form.
  • Update their voter registration online and add or remove their name.

Removal from the AEVL

A voter may be removed from the AEVL under the following circumstances:
  • The voter makes a written request to be removed from the AEVL, which includes the voter’s name, residence address, date of birth, and signature.
  • A 90-day notice is returned as undeliverable, and the County Recorder is unable to contact the voter to confirm the voter’s continued desire to remain on the AEVL.
  • The voter’s registration record is placed in an “inactive” or “canceled” status.
  • The voter did not vote by early ballot in any primary, general, or city/town election (i.e., the voter voted by early ballot in no primary, general, or city/town election) in two consecutive election cycles and failed to return a notice and confirm in writing the voter’s desire to remain on the AEVL, within 90 days of receiving the notice.
On or before January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the County Recorder shall send a notice to each voter who is on the AEVL and who did not vote by early ballot in all elections for two consecutive election cycles (i.e., the voter voted by early ballot in no primary, general, or city/town election for two consecutive election cycles). The notice shall inform the voter that, to remain on the AEVL, the voter must:
  • Confirm in writing the voter’s desire to remain on the AEVL; and
  • Return the completed and signed notice that contains the voter’s address and date of birth to the County Recorder within 90 days of receipt of the notice.
If a voter receives a notice as described in A.R.S. § 16-544(L) and the voter does not respond to the notice within 90 days, the County Recorder shall remove the voter from the AEVL. A.R.S. § 16-544(H)-(I), (K).

What happened to the permanent early voting list (PEVL)?

On May 11, 2021, then-Gov. Ducey signed into law Senate Bill 1485, which amended A.R.S. § 16-544 and changed the requirements for voters to remain on the PEVL. The Secretary of State renamed the list to the Active Early Voting List.

What changed with the new law?

The only thing that changed with the new law is that the list is no longer "permanent." The law requires the removal of a voter from the Active Early Voting List if "the voter fails to vote an early ballot in all elections for two consecutive election cycles as outlined above and does not respond to notification from the Recorder’s Office. These notices will start being sent in early 2027 after the first two election cycles have passed since the legislation was enacted.
How does that work:
  • If a voter doesn’t vote in two election cycles (over 2 years), our office will send a notice to that voter with a form attached.
  • The voter can fill out the form and confirm that they wish to remain on the Active Early Voting List or, if they wish, ask to be removed.
  • If the voter fails to fill out and return the form, they will be removed from the Active Early Voting List.

If voters leave the list, will it cancel their registration?

No. they simply will no longer automatically receive an Early Ballot. They can still submit a Ballot By Mail Request at any time. They can also sign up to be on AEVL again at any time.

How does AEVL work?

Once on this list, before any election in March or August, voters will receive notice of:
  • The dates of the next election(s).
  • The dates that ballots are expected to be mailed.
  • The address where the ballots will be mailed.
The notice will allow voters to:
  • Elect not to receive an early ballot for any elections listed on the notice.
  • Update either a residence or mailing address.
  • Ask that ballots be mailed to a different address.
  • Remove their names from the list entirely
  • Select a primary party ballot if the election is a partisan primary election and they are not registered as a member of one of the recognized political parties participating in the election.

Please note: Arizona law requires that voters on the Active Early Voting list must have a mailing address in Arizona. They can submit a Ballot By Mail Request and ask that a ballot be mailed to an address outside of Arizona. This must be done for each election. Military and overseas voters are exempt from this restriction.