Gabriella Cázares-Kelly

Provisional Ballot Status

Provisional Ballots are issued when additional information is needed. It allows our office more time for verification so qualified voters can still vote. A voter may need to vote a Provisional Ballot because they:
  • Are not registered: The voter can’t be readily found in the system.
  • Are not eligible: It doesn’t appear that the voter registered by the deadline, doesn’t live in the jurisdiction, or isn’t at least 18.
  • Already voted: Records show that person already cast a ballot.
  • Have no ID: The voter doesn’t have valid identification at the time of voting.
    In this case, a voter might get a “conditional provisional ballot,” which requires them to “return with a valid form of identification after they vote to confirm their identity.” A voter can prove their identity up to five days after a federal election.
The status of Provisional Ballots will be available AFTER all ballots have been processed for current election.

If you voted a Provisional Ballot in Pima County on Election Day you can check your ballot status with the receipt number. If you voted a Provisional Ballot during Early Voting, you may call our office to check the status.

This form is available after ALL Provisional Ballots have been processed for current election.
Last Name: (Required)
Receipt Number: (Required)
Do not enter any characters, only the numbers

Questions? Contact the voter registration office at (520) 724-4330.