Gabriella Cázares-Kelly

Public Records Research


Detailed instructions on searching and purchasing a document online can be found in our Public Search & Document Purchasing Instructions

Original documents can be purchased, emailed, mailed or picked up in our office. Please allow 2 days for emailed documents and 7 for documents sent via mail.

Documents may be viewed, printed, or downloaded from the Public Search Portal free of charge, but the images will contain watermarks indicating they are unofficial copies. Unofficial, low resolution, watermarked copies are not acceptable for recording purposes. Any attachments for new recordings must be high resolution, clean copies. Clean copies may be purchased from the public search portal or at the Recorder’s office.

Many historic documents have not yet been digitally indexed. We are in the process of indexing historic documents. The historic indexing will be released periodically as we get the indexing completed. Once that occurs, the indexing information will be made available to the public. Images of historic records may be viewed during business hours at the Recorder’s office locations, 240 N Stone Avenue or 6920 East Broadway Blvd, Suite D, Tucson.